Thursday, October 29, 2009


Wah~I am so hardworking huh~ Upadate my blog again~ yea~ hehe... But nobody read me blog lahhh~ but it is quite nice too... coz i can wirte many things here... haha... ok~ But nvm~ i dun care~ coz this is just a place for me to write sth and no need to occupy my places or waste my paper... haha...^^

Recently, I feel like fall in love... But i irili cant find anyone... Am i too picky? or i am too ugly so nobody approach me??? >.<... So sad...T^T... Anybody wants me??? haha... A lonely boy here... wakakaka... i think i am going to be crazy... LOL

Actually I duno wat is like, wat is love... but i rili dun have any special feelings to anyone...but Y my frens all have found their right one(mayb)... but just left me??? Wu Wu Wu... Am i rili too picky? OH~~~ Or i m too childish so nobody wants me??? haizzz... childish is nt a sin lahhh~ just i dun want to grow up~ haha... just kidding lah~ actuallt i m quite mature although my friends said tat i am childish... hehe... shud i happy when they 'praise' me??? who can tell m eth ans???

haha... I think i shud be opmistic to face this fact... shud i? haha... or... >.<... ARGHHH... I need accompany~ i need it... but i still cant found anyone...Forget abt it!!! haha... (>.<)


  1. walei u
    very childish
    aiya..u 19 only

  2. o!!cute gal~tehru hereD

  3. okay~ cute gal... I am nt childish looo...
    this called innocent...haha...thx for ur comments o~
